Don't be a victim of this scam associated with this phone number. : Signs2go Wants to Know
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Signs2go Interpreting 
& Support Services, LLC
Phyllis S. Bullon
We provide Certified, Professional, Sign language Interpreters for the Deaf in Fort Worth, Dallas, Arlington, Mid-Cities, Irving, and the surrounding counties, for all your sign language interpreting and communication needs. 
Always seeking CERTIFIED, Ethical, Professional Interpreters to add to our awesome TEAM! 
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Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm      
USFCR Verified Vendor

Don't be a victim of this scam associated with this phone number.

by Phyllis Bullon on 11/18/13

Today a phone call came in to one of our vendors. The caller claimed that they were with a warrant processing center and that a payday loan (that had been paid in full) had the final payment missing and was therefore in default. The caller then began to terrify our vendor with threats of jail/prison time for "check fraud" via payday loan default. Our vendor was told that she had until 5pm to get a moneygram with the amount owed plus fees for default and fees for the warrant status and wire it to the collectors. This is a fraudulent situation. I think they have already gotten someone else in my family with the idea that a payday loan payment was missed and jail time was soon to follow. The call today came in from a toll free number 855-345-6112. We called the District Attorney's office to verify whether or not a warrant existed. There was not one. This scam was reported to the District Attorney's office, who in turn advised us to report this type of identity fraud/theft to the Federal Trade Commission. If you receive a similar call, CALL THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE BEFORE YOU MAKE A PAYMENT! Watch for the above number...DON'T BE A VICTIM!

Comments (1)

1. not afraid said on 11/30/13 - 10:57AM
yes they call my mom job threating her and had her upset. when we told them we contact our lawyer to resolve the matter they hung up. These people are out to get whomever that fall for this scam but thank God we know the Law.

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