CONTACT US: (Voice) 817-294-7446  (VP) 682-200-7148  (FAX) 817-294-7449     
Mail: PO Box 330713  Fort Worth TX 76163 
E-mail: [email protected] 
Signs2go Interpreting 
& Support Services, LLC
Phyllis S. Bullon
We provide Certified, Professional, Sign language Interpreters for the Deaf in Fort Worth, Dallas, Arlington, Mid-Cities, Irving, and the surrounding counties, for all your sign language interpreting and communication needs. 
Always seeking CERTIFIED, Ethical, Professional Interpreters to add to our awesome TEAM! 
Contact us if YOU are QUALIFIED!
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm      
USFCR Verified Vendor
11/09/2019 Saturday Workshop Combo .65 CEUs
 (must attend both sessions to receive CEUs)

Workshop part 1: "Interpreting2: Demystifying Psycho-educational Assessments"

Presenter: Doug Dittfurth 

Time: 10a-3:30p
    (participants must file PINRA for RID CEUs)

Workshop Overview:
Persons who provide communication access in psychological, neuro-psychological and/or psycho-educational evaluations/assessments can be put into a highly stressful and counterproductive situation if they are not familiar with testing protocol and the testing instruments being utilized. Being familiar, in part, assists the individual in meeting the definition of being qualified to work these assignments. To be qualified for such assignments, an individual not only needs to know how to interpret the spoken/signed word but also interpret the intended purpose of each protocol.
Unknowingly, an interpreter may give the answer to a test question in their interpretation or skew the response of the person being tested due to their interpretation. Handled inappropriately, a spelling test can become a sign vocabulary inventory or a test of immediate recall. Interpreting for assessment follow-up meetings where testing results are discussed can as stressful without an adequate information-base.
Participants will learn how to overcome these barriers through a round robin exposure technique. Several commonly used testing instruments will be presented and discussed during this hands-on presentation. These include:
-Bender-Gestalt Test,
-House-Tree-Person (HTP) Test,
-Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), and
-Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

Discussion will also cover vocabulary standards in testing, measurement and statistics. Information about the Diagnostic and Standards Manual (DSM – V), used in diagnostic/evaluation reporting, will also be included.

Learner Outcomes:
During the 4.5 hour workshop, participants will:
become familiar with what some standards testing material are designed to assess,
become familiar with some standard testing protocol used in assessments, and
become familiar with approaches in working with diagnosticians, psychologists and assessment assistants who are not cognizant with test and measurements of persons who do not have full access to incidental learning.
Doug H. Dittfurth, MEd - Texas BEI III/CIC
deSign and Consulting Services/Austin, TX

Workshop part 2 "Ethical Discussion: 2 Scenarios"

Presenter: Phyllis Bullon

Time 3:30-5:30pm
  (participants must file PINRA for RID CEUs)

This workshop will focus on ethics in 2 scenarios: 
1. In a mental health scenario discussing what the interpreter did and on interpreter self-care in traumatic settings and 
2. In a medical scenario discussing what are the interpreters meta ethical options and obligations to the parties involved. 

Lunch on your own
Snacks, drinks, and Door Prize provided by Signs2go

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN- Seating is limited to 30 attendees.

Click this link to register: Registration 

Cost for the Workshop 
        -Certified Attendee: $55.00
        -Non-certified Student/Signs2go Terps/DARS: $35.00

Click here to pay: PayPal- Option C  (follow the drop down menu)

Workshop Location:   

7307 S. Hulen Street
Fort Worth, TX 76133
(Southeast Corner of S. Hulen and Kingswood in the strip mall behind the Chevron gas/convenience store)  

Signs2go Interpreting & Support Services, LLC is providing this workshop as an opportunity for safe, respectful learning and will not permit harassment, discrimination or horizontal violence based on another's comments, questions, schema, race, color, religion, hearing status, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or any other protected class.  

Current Workshop Offered:
Signs2go Interpreting & Support Services, LLC is bringing affordable Interpreting Workshops for CEUs to the D/FW area.  

When:  Currently offered on the third Saturday of each month except July, November, and December. Additional workshops may be offered on alternate Saturdays. 

Time:  All Workshops are from 10:00am-5:00pm.

Who:  Workshops are geared towards Interpreters, Deaf Ed. Teachers, Interpreting students and TWC/DHH employees.  

CEUs:  Typically awarded both RID and BEI .6 CEUs. Details for current workshop offered can be seen in the right column.


SIGN UP FOR WORKSHOPS Use the registration form located on the right side of the page.



Rate:     Option A (Click here to go to PayPal)

3rd Saturday Workshop- Local Presenter/Team Presentation

Certified Attendee:............................................. $40.00
Non-Certified Student/DARS/ S2G Terps:........ $25.00

- I try to offer 8-9 workshops per year and after you come to 3 in a row, the rest of the year is student rate (for local presenters only)

Rate:     Option B (Click here to go to PayPal)

3rd Saturday Workshop- For Out of Town Presenter that requires air fare, hotel, presentation hall rental and/or interpreting services

Certified Attendee:............................................. $65.00
Non-Certified Student/DARS:........................... $40.00

Rate:     Option C (Click here to go to PayPal) 

3rd Saturday Workshop- For Out of Town Presenter that requires hotel, presentation hall rental and/or interpreting services

Certified Attendee:............................................. $55.00
Non-Certified Student/DARS:........................... $35.00

Rate:     Option D (Click here to go to PayPal) 

3rd Saturday Workshop- ONE RATE FOR ALL                       

Guest presenter rate for single or multiple workshops presented in the same session where we are host and the presenters rate does not match our rate schedule. Specific Rate will be posted.

Rate:     Option E (Click here to go to PayPal) 

Performance Tickets

Attendee:............................................................. $20.00
Student:............................................................... $15.00

Rate:  Option- Other  (Click here to go to PayPal) 


(call in advance to insure this is an option)

Certified Attendee:.................................... RATE + $10.00
Non-Certified Student/DARS:.................... RATE + $5.00



ALL WORKSHOPS ARE EXPECTED TO BE PAID VIA PAYPAL, in advance, to hold your reservation.


No refunds given unless the speaker cancels.  If the speaker cancels then the refund will be made in full.


Just use the contact button, email, call, or fill out the Registration Form and add any special needs in the comments section. Let us know what you need and we will do our best to accommodate.  We MUST be notified a minimum of 7 days in advance.




    7307 S. Hulen Street 
    Fort Worth, TX 76133

(Southeast Corner of S. Hulen and Kingswood in the strip mall behind the convenience store)

General Workshop Information:
Add this page to your favorites.
To:7307 S. Hulen Street.
Fort Worth, TX 76133
Number and Street:
Contact Us
Upcoming Workshops:
Signs2go Workshops and Sign Classes
Signs2go Interpreting & Support Services, LLC
General Workshop Information

​Current Workshop Offered 

Future Workshops (in various planning stages)

Sign Language Class Information

GREAT Sites for Webinar CEUs
Registration Form

Pay with Credit​/Debit Card Via PayPal

Driving Directions for location A 

Workshop/Sign Class Location​ (unless otherwise noted)
Many Signs2go workshops are followed by the  3rd Saturday Silent Night Pot Luck and Social 
from 6:00pm-11:00pm  (travelers are welcome to stay on site while waiting for the Social Gathering)
Getting guest presenters for the other dates is always the goal. If no guest presenters, then I will present a few of things that I have been working on for a while.


-Phyllis Bullon- Saturday Workshop: The concept of "Role Space" (still in the planning stages)        .6 CEUs (BEI/RID) pending

- Phyllis Bullon- 3rd Saturday Workshop: Deaf Teen Sexual Assault Awareness  (date not set)         .6 CEUs (BEI/RID) pending 

Phyllis Bullon- 3rd Saturday Workshop: Ethics for Interpreters- Challenging Our Perspectives (still in the planning stages)         .6 CEUs (BEI/RID) pending 

- Phyllis Bullon- 4th Saturday Medical Workshop: Interpreting the Pulmonary System (in the planning stages)        .6 CEUs (BEI/RID) pending 
These workshops are  still in the planning stages and the topics may change