CONTACT US: (Voice) 817-294-7446  (VP) 682-200-7148  (FAX) 817-294-7449     
Mail: PO Box 330713  Fort Worth TX 76163 
E-mail: [email protected] 
Signs2go Interpreting 
& Support Services, LLC
Phyllis S. Bullon
We provide Certified, Professional, Sign language Interpreters for the Deaf in Fort Worth, Dallas, Arlington, Mid-Cities, Irving, and the surrounding counties, for all your sign language interpreting and communication needs. 
Always seeking CERTIFIED, Ethical, Professional Interpreters to add to our awesome TEAM! 
Contact us if YOU are QUALIFIED!
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm      
USFCR Verified Vendor
About Us:

If you’re looking for high quality and personal service, you’ve come to the right place. 
Our rates are competitive. Our office staff and CERTIFIED Interpreters are friendly and will be there to guide you on an amazing journey into the Deaf World.

There's a lifetime of experience invested in Signs2go Interpreting & Support Services, LLC. In addition to Deaf and Hard of Hearing family and friends, the  company's owner has been involved in the Deaf community in one facet or another for over 40 years. Originally founded in 1996 by Phyllis Bullon, Signs2go Interpreting was a part time, free-lance business established to supplement a full time job interpreting in the educational, and later, community venues. Then after years of presenting workshops, mentoring student interpreters, and working as a community interpreter, on July 22, 2011, Phyllis gave her attorney a HUGE amount of money and he gave her a little, skinny notebook and Signs2go Interpreting & Support Services, LLC was born.   

Phyllis and 30+ CERTIFIED Interpreters have come together, with experience interpreting in: community services, social services, education K-12 / college, mental health, medical interpreting, legal/court interpreting, theater, business, factory/shop trades, weddings, funerals, and so much more! Signs2go Interpreting & Support Services, LLC can provide for almost any interpreting scenario. 

We offer the best in: (this is an elaboration of our Navigation menu)

Community Interpreting-  
-Title V of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires federal agencies and all programs receiving federal funds to be accessible. Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, recipients of federal financial assistance must provide auxiliary aids and services to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. These services include qualified sign language interpreters, note-takers, and Video Relay Services (VRS).  

-In addition, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) requires equal access to public and private services for all people with disabilities.  Signs2go Interpreting & Support Services, LLC provides high quality, CERTIFIED Interpreters for a variety of settings to help your business comply with the accessibility laws.  

-Requests for Interpreters should be made as soon you learn of the need, in order to maximize the potential for filling the assignment. The later the request, the more difficult to schedule a service provider.  Our goal is to match the assignment with the most qualified Interpreter for that situation so that all involved are satisfied with the service.  

-Our company must have a Vendor ID or a signed Service Agreement on file, prior to the appointment.  

-If we are unable to fill your request due to scheduling incompatibility,   will lead you to a list of alternate area service providers. Our goal is communication access for everyone. 

-Please be aware of Tax Form 8826 "Disabled Access Credit" and Tax Form 3800 "General Business Credit" line 1g. and  Publication 535 “Business Expenses” (tax deduction). Share this info with your CPA. You may qualify for certain deductions on your next income tax return to help offset some of the cost of Interpreting services. 

Deaf Awareness/Diversity Training and Professional Development for ISD In-service Days- Deafness is not just a disability.  It is also a belonging to a rich, language based culture that shares many common experiences.  We provide workshops or keynote speakers to bring understanding of the Cultural Diversity aspect of the Deaf Community to businesses in the D/FW area.  Let us enhance your company's knowledge of an amazing culture.

On site access to a Deaf Studies Reference Library-   Over 10,000 references available. Great  for  Interpreters, Deaf Ed. Teachers, parents with Deaf children, or anyone who wants to learn more about the Deaf Community and it's beautiful language and amazing culture.  Library usage is limited to "on-site only," it is free, but an appointment is required. Library is on loan to this company and is the personal property of Phyllis S. Blanton Bullon. 

Mentoring-   We provide one-on-one or small group mentoring services.

"Choices" Program- is a one-on-one or small group setting for parents of Deaf children. It is designed to expose the parents to:  Deaf Culture, Sign Language, Deaf Art, Deaf role models in various professions, and give parents assistance with research materials, for self study, in a variety of related topics. 

Sign Language Classes- Classes available for individuals, groups, and businesses.

Workshops to support Continuing Education- Typically offered on the third Saturday of each month except July, November, and December. Workshops are geared towards Interpreters, Educators, and DARS/DHH employees.  Typically awarded .6 CEUs.  Workshops are relatively inexpensive at $40.00 per attendee for Local Presenters and $50-$75.00 per attendee for Out-of-town Presenters.  There is a discounted rate for Interpreting students. All Workshops are from 10:00am-5:00pm.

3rd Saturday Silent Night- Also offered on the third Saturday of each month except July, November, and December, a Pot-Luck Dinner/social from 7:00pm-12:00am  providing an opportunity for Interpreters to be exposed to the most current evolutions of the language and to learn, grow, and hone their understanding of the Deaf Community, to chat and play in a non-threatening, no pressure environment. Activities include dominoes, Uno, various card games, Foosball, pool, karaoke (yes, some Deaf do), Silent Stage, and various signed programs/movies on the big screen.  It's a chance to immerse oneself in the Deaf Way.

Deaf Studies Reference Pages- There are several pages listed here within the website to assist the Student of Deaf Culture with a starting place for their research.

​​With overwhelming love and gratitude for my taught me that love conquers all and perseverence opens doors.

In loving memory of my dad...Thank you for teaching me to be brave, to have faith, and that in Christ, all things are possible.

Special thanks to the love of my life. Without you, all the rocks in my path would be stumbling blocks...With you, they are stepping stones.  You are the precious gift God made just for me and ILY Terry.
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Contact Us
Mission Statement: 
-Our goal is to provide the certified, professional Sign Language Interpreter that is right for each Deaf/Hearing client interaction and every situation. 
-In order to insure our Interpreters are highly trained, qualified, and the right choice for your company, we also provide the Research and Professional
 Development Center for Interpreters.  
-We adhere to the Code of Professional Conduct provided by Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) and adopted into Texas Rule. 
-We choose to honor the Deaf and Hearing communities in which we work by encouraging interaction and the pursuit of knowledge of the Deaf Community.  -Since we opened, we have established a reputation of excellence and we look forward to building a relationship with you.
Signs2go Interpreting & Support Services BBB Business Review