CONTACT US: (Voice) 817-294-7446  (VP) 682-200-7148  (FAX) 817-294-7449     
Mail: PO Box 330713  Fort Worth TX 76163 
E-mail: [email protected] 
Signs2go Interpreting 
& Support Services, LLC
Phyllis S. Bullon
We provide Certified, Professional, Sign language Interpreters for the Deaf in Fort Worth, Dallas, Arlington, Mid-Cities, Irving, and the surrounding counties, for all your sign language interpreting and communication needs. 
Always seeking CERTIFIED, Ethical, Professional Interpreters to add to our awesome TEAM! 
Contact us if YOU are QUALIFIED!
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm      
USFCR Verified Vendor
​Summer Griffin 

Independent Vendor, Bookkeeper, is an indispensable part of our team. She handles accounts payable/receivable, and payroll.

Summer has worked as an Independent Contractor for Signs2go since 2011, in addition to another full-time job. She is also highly trained, much sought after, and we will fight to keep her. She is meticulous and hardworking and keeps this company on track. 

Summer is a wife and mother of two adult children. Summer is often involved with animal rescue and has been the caretaker of a wide variety of animals over the years. She enjoys time with her family and friends, and almost never sits still long enough to watch a whole movie... She would rather be doing something productive. Her hobby...doing everything for everybody and getting it all done!

Summer is a "people person" who knows how to bring out the best in all of us. She is one of this company's most valuable assets.

Kim Santoscoy

Current Certification(s): Texas BEI Certified- Level III   Awarded 12/31/2004
Professional Interpreter for 20+ years.

Hi Everyone,

My Name is Kim Santoscoy. I am a CODA and I have been interpreting since I can remember…. During the days there wasn’t’ closed captioning and I stood in front of a TV interpreting Dallas w/ JR Ewing and the Dallas Cowboy games for my parents and for every doctor’s appointment and bank dealings known to man.

I enjoy being a part of the Deaf culture as it is a big part of who I am. Sign Language is my first language and I love my Global Deaf family.

Originally from Austin, I transplanted here July of 2012 and enjoy learning the ins and outs of the DFW area.

I joined Signs2Go July 2012 and was impressed with their focus on “Customer Service” not only to the clients they serve, but to their interpreters also.

My husband and I have 4 wonderfully awesome children and a dog named Quincy who is my other child. We are very family oriented as we tend to travel constantly to spend time with them whenever we have time off.

This fall my goal is to go back to school and work on a BS in Deaf Studies.

Contact the office for schedule availability.

Contact Us
Signs2go's Heart & Soul 
Interested in learning more?
​We take pride in the skills, knowledge, and experience that each person brings to this business.  Each person has pledged to be a mentor, to help their colleagues grow through constructive feedback, a positive attitude, applying themselves 100%, and to be the supportive "hand up" for the next generation of interpreters.

This page is dedicated to the Interpreter Contractors  and Support Personnel who have dedicated themselves to you.  Each person has listed their basic days and times available to serve you.  They have also shared their preferred topics/situations.   Please inform your local businesses and colleges about us and ask for the Interpreter that you prefer. We will do our best to ensure that the interpreter you want is the Interpreter you get. (However, this is dependent on scheduling availability) 

Here at Signs2go Interpreting & Support Services, LLC. we understand that Confidence in Your Interpreter while dealing with life's daily challenges, eases your mind.  
Phyllis Bullon 

Current Certification(s):  Texas BEI Certified- Level: 1   Awarded 9/10/1996
Professional Interpreter for 28+ years.

President and founder of Signs2go Interpreting & Support Services, LLC. I am a Texas BEI Certified Interpreter with over 40 years involvement in the Deaf Community. My professional career choice as an Interpreter carries me into a wide variety of situations and settings, feeding my desire to be a lifetime learner. I am an avid reader and I typically read the course materials for all College level classes I interpret.  

Prior to becoming a "certified" interpreter, I signed for Deaf family and friends at various functions and for Deaf friends that I worked with in the Aerospace Defense Industry. I have a technical background with my Journeyman's in Electrical and Electronics Bench "A & B." I am trained/certified in a variety of related topics.  I have some training in automotive electronics, auto paint and body, and computers. I was also an educational (k-12) interpreter for 11 years and a Community interpreter both for another agency (6 yrs) and as a freelance (since I certified in 1996). I have extensive experience in medical interpreting, religious interpreting and interpreting theater/performing arts. With my past training and experience it is understandable that my "specialties" in interpreting include the shop/tech classes, medical, theater, education and religious settings. 

For fun, I enjoy family and friends, shooting pool, dance, music, reading, arts and crafts with the grand kids, painting/drawing/doodling, cooking and (of course)!.

I am blessed with a wonderful, loving, Christian family that has supported me in this adventure, as I learn and grow this business, to serve you! Thank you for giving me, our office workers, and the amazing team of interpreters we work with, this wonderful opportunity!       
God Bless!
Terry Bullon 

In Loving Memory

President's husband and behind the scenes support.  

Terry was in the Marine Corp for 10 years and when he honorably discharged, he went to work in the Aerospace Defense Industry. It was here that he ran over my (Phyllis') foot with a golf cart ("accidentally"...most guys would just say "Hi" and ask a girl on a date...but he had to be different!), then asked me to marry him 6 months later. Married for over 31 years, he has been the foundation of the marriage, Drill Sargent for the kids (ours and the 43 others who have lived with us at different times), husband, father, grandfather, best friend and my greatest source of courage. He has opened his heart, opened his home, and supported me as I opened this business.

Terry passed away May 3, 2021. We miss him and all he contributed to the family and to the business.

Susie McGee

Current Certification(s): Texas BEI Certified- Level: Advanced    Awarded 9/14/2009
                                          National Certification: Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) NIC Certified Awarded 2012

Past Certifications:         1996 Arkansas, Texas BEI Level I- 2001

Professional Interpreter for 28+ years.

 I love being an interpreter! What other profession allows you get to meet new people every day, constantly learn new things and go to new places, all while providing a needed service? I am a Texas BEI Advanced/ NIC Interpreter. I began my interpreting career in Washington, DC after studying at Gallaudet and really learning ASL from my deaf roommate and friends.  

My interpreting is informed by my education, which includes a PhD. in Education from the University of Pennsylvania, and master’s and bachelor’s degrees in linguistics from Georgetown University. I recently completed my Master's degree in American Sign Language/English Interpreting from the University of North Florida. I have also taught both ASL and Deaf Education at the high school level.

My favorite assignments involve education or theatre, but there is nothing I won’t do, and I learn from each experience. Aside from court interpreting, there are no off-limit topics or situations. I live in southern Denton County but am willing to travel.  

I am currently working in VRS and an Independent Vendor with Signs2go and other local agencies as a Community Interpreter.

​Lynn Duval

Current Certification: Texas BEI- Level II  Awarded 2/01/2006
Past Certification: Texas BEI- Level I   Awarded

Professional Interpreter for 18+ years

More info and picture coming soon!

Marsha Thornton

Current Certification(s): Texas BEI Certified- Level: I   Awarded 10/26/1999
Professional Interpreter for 40+ years.

Hi! My name is Marsha Thornton. I have held certification in Texas since 1984. 

I met my first deaf person at church when I moved to Texas in 1971. I started learning sign language in 1974. I began attending workshops, associating with deaf people, and got my first certificate as an interpreter from TVID. 

I started working for the public schools as an interpreter in 1977. I took a short break from interpreting and stayed home with my children for five years, then I went back to educational Interpreting and have been there ever since. I have worked at all different levels, from preschool to high school.  

In addition to the local ISDs , I have worked as a College Interpreter and I have some Minor Medical Interpreting experience with a preference for ENT and Audiologist appointments. I also enjoy religious interpreting and do that as needed. 

I am available as a Community Interpreter: During the Summer,  some after hours during the school year,  some weekends, and some holidays. Please contact the office at Signs2go Interpreting for my scheduling availability. 

Muriel Buie

Current Certification(s): Texas BEI Certified- Court:  Awarded 2002        Level: III   Awarded 1992, 
                                          Level: II   Awarded 1992, Level: I   Awarded 1986

Professional Interpreter for 38+ years.

Howdy everyone! I am a now officially 38+ years into professional interpreting. Friends who grew up with me know that my interpreting days started 5 years before that at Daggett Jr. High School and continued on to Green B. Trimble Technical High School. Go Bulldogs! I had amazing Deaf and Hard of Hearing friends who I grew up with. It was an amazing experience for me! I am friends with many of them still today. Growing up in that environment put me on the path to advocacy. I worked with Estrus Tucker who was head of the Human Relations Commission when we had "Let's Talk Fort Worth" about the issues that persons who were Deaf and Hard of Hearing were going through along with their families.
I was married to a Late-Deafened man and have had to, and still have to, advocate a great deal for his communication access in hospitals and other places as well. As his spouse, I was able to share situations that our family had dealt with regarding access and even captioning at local theaters. 
There are many amazing interpreters in our area, and I am thankful that there are skilled and educated interpreters who keep up with workshops and new terminology. Signs2go has been an amazing asset to many interpreters in our area, by providing interpreter training workshops at low cost. That gives great opportunities, as well as removes excuses, for interpreters who say they don't have time or money to go to a workshop to improve their skills. 
Currently, I am an empty nester, as all my children are grown and out of the house. I do have 3 amazing grandchildren, who take up a lot of my time. I am also a sign language interpreter at North Fort Worth Baptist Church during Contemporary Service. I teach a community non-credit Intro to Deaf Culture and Basic sign language, as well as co-facilitate a GriefShare support group for people who have lost their loved ones through death.
I do interpreter work in the following areas: medical/surgical/hospice, legal, educational (PPCD, PreK3 - PhD), vocational training and evaluations, as well as psychology. My hobby is a great deal of self-study. I want to do the absolute best work that I can to serve my clients/consumers.

Cheryl Garret

Current Certification: Texas BEI- Level I Awarded 9/03/1993

Professional Interpreter for 31+ years

More info and picture coming soon!

​Jeanette Moore

Current Certification(s): Texas BEI Certified- Level: I   Awarded 10/23/1992
Professional Interpreter for 32+ years.

My name is Jeanette Moore, and I have been a certified interpreter since 1992. Prior to interpreting, I had a career in pediatric nursing. I enjoy working with the Deaf community and have studied and respect deaf culture. 
My first exposure to deafness was when I took sign language classes. I then worked with children at the pre-K level all the way up to adults at the university level, which I have been involved with since 1993. I have also worked in the community for DARS and Signs2go. 
My goals are to continue to interpret at the university level and also in the Deaf community. I attend workshops to advance my knowledge and improve my sign skills to better serve the clients in the Deaf community. 

Jeanette is part owner of another agency and works in conjunction with Signs2go  as schedules allow.

BEI- Search Membership:

RID- Search Membership:
Most recent Certification Verification performed  05/18/2022  via.............................  
​Donna Sue Murphy

Current Certification(s): Texas BEI Certified- Level:  III/Court          Awarded:  1985

Professional Interpreter for 44+ years.

Donna has her Associates in General Studies 

Hello! My name is Donna Murphy. I am married to Robert Murphy, Sr. I have a daughter, a son, and three step sons. Between all five of our grown children we have 18 grandchildren. 

I am children's director at our church. I have been signing for 40+ years. I am BEI Level 3 and Court certified. I have 40+ years experience in education and religious interpreting; 30 years experience in medical, psychological, legal, job training, and other scenarios. I have enjoyed interpreting more in the community since my retirement from 40 years in education interpreting.  
Randa Phillips 

Current Certification(s): Texas BEI Certified- Level: Basic   Awarded 12/5/2011 
Professional interpreter for 13+ years.

In the third grade, Randa was in an after school program to learn sign language. After a full school year of that, she fell in love with the language and sought to continue her education. 

Randa took four years of American Sign Language in high school and two more in college. She graduated the Tarrant County  College Interpreter Training Program under the guidance of the excellent instructors there. She then continued her education at UNT, majoring in Anthropology, she graduated with her Bachelor of Arts. She then decided to use her love of language and her Bachelor's degree in Anthropology to become an interpreter. 

She has been BEI Certified since 2011, has worked as an active community interpreter since 2012, and is currently working toward becoming NIC Certified.   
​Betty Bullon

Independent Vendor. Office Support with Signs2go since 2012.

Betty is a mother of one beautiful, adopted daughter, a cat owner, and is involved in animal rescue and transport. She hopes to one day own a patch of land to open her own animal rescue service. 

Betty has honed her office skills in the retail industry, managed a personal storage facility office for five years, and did corporate marketing for almost 15 years. She is also currently involved in supporting animal shelters through fund-raising activities, collecting donations and engaging community support.

Betty's hobbies include jewelry design (she is a phenomenal designer!), crafting, interior design, doing restoration and repurposing, reading, collecting gothic fairies, and spending time with her family.

We couldn't do without her!
Trace Brown

Current Certification(s): Texas BEI Certified- Level: Basic Awarded 10/5/2015     Level: Advanced      

Professional Interpreter for 9+ years

"Hello! I'm Trace and I'm a BEI Basic Certified Interpreter. I started learning ASL 4 years ago and picked it up very quickly. As soon as I completed my associate's degree in ASL/Interpreting, I went and took my Basic BEI certification test and passed. I currently work as an educational interpreter but I want to expand out to the community as well. I look forward to serving the Deaf/HoH community and meeting all the wonderful people the community has to offer!"

Karyn Choi

Professional Librarian for 20+ years

I'm not sure what to say except that I've never had "normal ears." When I was 4, I was diagnosed as severely hard-of-hearing. So I've grown up with all different kinds of listening devices over the years. My first language was American Sign Language. From pre-k through 3rd grade I was in a deaf and hard-of-hearing program. Then I was integrated after that. I became fully deaf about 9 years ago and have appreciated interpreting services ever since.

I am happy and proud to be Signs2Go's librarian

I have two cats

I have 2 bachelor's degrees (education & computer science)

I have 1 masters in library science

I'm a total sci-fi and comic book geek

​Darlene Hutzel
Current certification: TEXAS BEI – Basic – Awarded 9/12/2011.
Professional Interpreter – 13 years  
Actual Interpreting – All my life.

My name is Darlene Hutzel and I am a CODA. ASL was my 1st language & I’ve been signing for my family all my young life and off and on for family as an adult. I come from a multi-generational Deaf family spanning 6 generations from great grandparents on down to great nieces and a great nephew. Every generation has had a CODA, so I am proud to be a part of that legacy. I grew up in Ohio where there was a close-knit Deaf community, so I was ingrained into Deaf Culture. My “Deaf Heart” is much of who I am.

  I moved to Texas in the early 80’s and unfortunately away from the overall community, with my interactions limited to family. Despite a short stint of community college interpreting, it was not enough work that I could make a living at the time, so I worked as an accountant for the next 30 years. I was a young mother, as I married my high school sweetheart and became very busy working and raising my 2 daughters. Fast forward to the last 15 years, when I decided to return to my roots & go back to school to meet the requirements to become re-certified in interpreting. I became an educational Deaf Ed interpreter, which I did for 6 years. I then transitioned to teaching and became a certified Deaf Ed teacher for 3 years. 

 I hold not only an associate degree from Tarrant County College but also a bachelor’s degree from Texas Women’s University. I have retired from education & am looking forward to continuing to serve the Deaf community in a different capacity, as a community interpreter.

I am excited to be a part of the Signs2go team. I am familiar with them during my time as an educational interpreter attending their workshops, as well as working with Phyllis when she has subbed for our interpreters at my school. 
I’m still married to my high school sweetheart and our daughters have given us 3 beautiful grandchildren. We enjoy family activities, our pets, spending time together and traveling. 

Name: Chloe Cook

Current Certification(s):  TX BEI Certified: Level- Basic   Awarded:  11/09/2018

Professional Interpreter for  6+   years

Thank you for taking the time to review my profile. I currently hold a AA degree in Social and Behavioral Studies and will be graduating with a BS in Interpreting from William Woods University. My graduation year is 2021.

I have worked as a full-time Communication assistant in a K-12 setting for 2 years before receiving my BEI certification. I have continued to work 2 more years in the educational field as a certified interpreter. I recently decided to branch out into the community where I am gaining experience in different fields including VRS. I have a passion for Medical, Education, Theatre, as I have had previous experience in them. 
I am continuing to grow my knowledge through schooling, workshops, and socializing with the community. 

My personal time, I spend time with my Husband and 3 children. My hobbies include crafting, COFFEE (yes, it’s a hobby), and photography. I look forward to working with you.  

Interpreter name:

Current Certification(s): Texas BEI Certified- Level:

Professional Interpreter for ______ years

Katrina Riley

Current Certification: Texas BEI Basic  Awarded 4/02/2024

Previous Certifications: Oklahoma QAST, Level I- Interpreting Awarded 11/03/2021
                                         Oklahoma QAST Level II- Transliterating Awarded 11/03/2021

Professional Interpreter for 3+ years

I've known since I was 8 that I would become an interpreter. I'm a CODA with a Deaf Father and my mother was a certified Interpreter (Community, Education, and Religious) which definitely meant that ASL was my first language. My mother worked for a school district that only had one Deaf child, with the understanding that the only limits in life are the ones we place on ourselves and those around us. My mother spent the entire summer learning to play the clarinet because her student wanted to join the marching band (she was told it was impossible because she was Deaf). My mother took this as a challenge and worked with the student for a year, then stood beside the band director while that same student marched with the rest of her band the following year. I remember wanting to be just like my mother, wanting to serve the community that helped raise me. Now, many years later, and after the loss of my mother, I serve my community to the best of my ability, with all the passion and love I was raised in.

Since I was young, I was exposed to many different interpreting environments and have allowed that to help me as I transitioned into a professional, certified interpreter. I have a passion for learning and sharing knowledge, as well as a love of music and all things nerdy. I earned my AAS Degree Interpreting from Collin College in 2022. I am currently working towards Advanced Certification and have a goal of becoming a Court Certified Interpreter once I complete my Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice.

Trudy Hunter & Chester (Service Dog)

Independent Vendor, Deaf Community Activity Coordinator

I am a proud CODA (Child of Deaf Adults)!!! My Dad and Mom names were Wilburn McCanlies and Jessie Mae Bolton both are now deceased. Oh how I miss them!

Former Sign Language interpreter in the community over 35+ years.

Originally from west Texas. (Lubbock) however Dallas was my 2nd home in the summer months with my Mother’s family living in the area. Have one son (Todd and his Wife Jennifer) also have one beautiful granddaughter (Jessie whom carries my Mother’s name).

Here I joined Signs2Go officially on May 14, 2022. Here I will be serving as the Deaf Community Activity Coordinator.  
My goal is for the Deaf Seniors to have a FUN and SAFE PLACE to go. After all we are one BIG FAMILY!!!

Chester will be working closely with me as he is my service dog, he loves each and every one as well

Looking forward in SERVING YOU in any way we can, in the BEST WAY!

All our love for all of you!!

Shelby Stokman

Current Certification(s): Texas BEI Certified: Level- Basic   Awarded 9/07/2023

Professional Interpreter for 1+ years

More info to come!

Jessica Wininger

Current Certification: Texas BEI- Level Basic   Awarded 5/27/2021

Professional Interpreter for 3+ years

More info and picture coming soon!

Lauren Miller

Current Certification: Texas BEI- Level Advanced   Awarded 7/16/2020
Past Certification: Texas BEI- Level         Awarded

Professional Interpreter for 5+ years

More info and picture coming soon!