CONTACT US: (Voice) 817-294-7446  (VP) 682-200-7148  (FAX) 817-294-7449     
Mail: PO Box 330713  Fort Worth TX 76163 
E-mail: [email protected] 
Signs2go Interpreting 
& Support Services, LLC
Phyllis S. Bullon
We provide Certified, Professional, Sign language Interpreters for the Deaf in Fort Worth, Dallas, Arlington, Mid-Cities, Irving, and the surrounding counties, for all your sign language interpreting and communication needs. 
Always seeking CERTIFIED, Ethical, Professional Interpreters to add to our awesome TEAM! 
Contact us if YOU are QUALIFIED!
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm      
USFCR Verified Vendor
This is just an information page.  I have always been intrigued by "Why" something is as it is... I tend to research a lot.  When regarding the cost of Interpreting services, the simplest explanation for the cost... the fact that Qualified, Certified, Professional Interpreters encompass  a very small group.  I have posted some of my research below.  I was amazed by the statistics.  If you have a few minutes to read, I think you will be amazed as well.  
What are some of the factors in the cost of interpreting services?

There are a few specific factors:  

First Factor-  The number of Qualified, Certified, Professional Interpreters is so low. The 2023 census lists America's total population as over 340 million. The number of Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons in America is estimated to be around 48 million (per the National Association of the Deaf, NAD). Approximately 8.5% of America's 340 million (about 29 million) depend on Sign Language for their communication or clarification needs. Comparatively, throughout the United States, the number of persons who hold certifications and are Qualified to interpret is estimated to be around 20,000 (per the most recent ADA Conference).

Texas has an estimated 6 million Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons. Approximately 2.5 million depend exclusively on Sign Language for their means of communication with approximately 1.5 million more who depend on it for clarification. Once again, comparatively, Texas has an estimated 1,500 Certified Interpreters, with a little over 1,800 certifications issued .
That equates to approximately one interpreter for every 2,667 Deaf persons.

Locally, Dallas/Fort Worth and the seven surrounding counties are home to approximately 300,000 persons who depend on Sign Language communication. This area has:

Approximately 300 Certified Interpreters who live in or drive to this area to provide services.  
Approximately 42% work in the public schools
Approximately 20% work for the various video relay companies
Approximately 10% work for corporations in adjunct positions
Approximately 25% work for Interpreting Agencies or free-lance
Approximately 3% are inactive 

​Second Factor-   The Interpreter's qualifications. This could be dependent on the certification level, number of certifications, knowledge, skills and years of experience an Interpreter may bring to the setting. 

Interpreters don't "just sign" what is said...   Interpreters must:

    -Assess their Deaf clients to attempt to match their linguistic style, personality, and regional dialect/accent  

    -Determine whether the Deaf Client communicates in American Sign Language- a concept based language with a 
     grammar and syntax that is very different from English, OR any of the numerous signed English systems that were 
     created across the U.S. for teaching English reading and writing from the 1960's forward (although many of those 
     systems are no longer taught, some may still be in use), OR Cued Speech, OR Oralism, OR a combination of any/all 
     of the above.

    -Listen, think, process, and produce two languages simultaneously...often up to a paragraph (or two) behind the
     speaker. American Sign Language (ASL) is not English.  It is a visual language based on concept. (i.e., the English 
     word "r-u-n" has 118 different meanings in the Websters Dictionary.  There are numerous ways to convey this word
     in ASL. 

    -Culturally mediate...the Deaf Culture experience is VERY different from that of the mainstream hearing culture and 
     that effects the communication process...  Facial expressions and body language don't always carry the same 
     meanings and must be mediated as well as language. Religion, Gender, Ethnicity, and Sexual orientation may also
     factor into the cultural mediation process.  If the Deaf client is from a foreign country, signs from their country may 
     also be interspersed in their communication process.  Many interpreters are skilled in multiple sign systems, but 
     few are skilled in multiple (foreign) signed languages.  In some instances a Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI) may be
     required to interpret between ASL regional dialects, a mixture of signed systems, foreign signed languages, and in           medical or legal situations to ensure full communication access. American Sign Language is NOT universal.

    -May require a TEAM- Due to the duration of the assignment (anything over 1 hour), pace of the speaker, technical     jargon associated with each different scenario, brain fatigue, and a number of other factors, a TEAM may be required     to ensure that all communication is rendered faithfully.

    -Typically contract with an agency, very few are staff. Interpreters rates are commensurate with their responsibilities.
     As Contractors, they pay their own taxes, health and liability insurances, workshops, certification maintenance, and 
     wardrobe that must be professional and yet appropriate to the various specific interpreting situations they 
     encounter daily.  

Third Factor- Interpreters are often on call 24 hours a day- 7 days a week- 365 days a year for a wide variety of situations including: Daily business interactions, k-12 education, College classes, Theater, Medical appointments, Medical emergencies, Social Services, Mental Health/Counseling sessions, Political functions, Legal situations/Court, Job training, Corporate meetings, Factory/Shop settings, Weddings, Funerals, other religious venues, various home business "parties," and any other setting that life has to offer. 
Interpreters must be prepared to work in these situations as they arise.   However, Interpreters are not "know it alls," instead, they are "reference it alls." With the exception of Theater, they must use their own time to research, study and prepare for the assignment that you are requesting them for today. 

Are Interpreters worth what you pay for them? NO... They are worth more.

​Finally, the last factor built into the cost of Interpreting. There must be support personnel to: take calls, schedule appointments, handle accounts payable and receivable, manage the office, handle compliments and complaints, set up advertising, and coordinate certain pro bono community service activities. Add to that, a lawyer for necessary business and normal business operating costs and the rates begin to make sense.

There's a lot involved in what we do, but we do it... because we LOVE IT!
Factors in the Cost of Interpreting Services